Communicating Across the Generation Gap (Part 2 of a 2 Part Series)

Communicating Across the Generation Gap (Part 2 of a 2 Part Series)

Last week’s post, Identifying Generations in Your Workplace,  focused on identifying and understanding the five generations in the workplace. Now that you’re able to identify the generation a coworker represents, here are some specific guidelines for bridging the generation gap at work. Learning to adapt your communication style to those with whom you communicate is an […]

Why a Crisis is the Best Test of Your Communication and the Worst Time to Find Out It’s Not Working

Why a Crisis is the Best Test of Your Communication and the Worst Time to Find Out It’s Not Working

While the entire Texas coast is still trying to recover from Hurricane Harvey, many of my clients who were affected by the storm are calling to say they need help in the area of communication. Even though budgets are tight and many have been hit by expenses that couldn’t have been foreseen when budgets were […]

There’s a big difference between an explanation and an excuse

If you look up the words explanation and excuse in the dictionary, at first, they appear similar. However, if you look closer, there’s a significant difference: Explanation: clarification, reason, details, an account of … Excuse: justification, defense, to try to remove blame from … When most people offer an explanation, they usually do so as fact—as […]

4 Reasons Why the Customer is NOT Always Right

4 Reasons Why the Customer is NOT Always Right

The number one most incorrect quote about customer service that is perpetuated time and again, is: “The Customer is Always Right.” WRONG! Training employees to believe this fallacy and insisting that they live by it is not only wrong, but it’s bad for business. Consider these situations: Would you let a naked customer dine in […]

Stop Criticizing and Start Giving the Gift of Providing Performance Improvement Feedback

Stop Criticizing and Start Giving the Gift of Providing Performance Improvement Feedback

Over the years, I’ve seen an evolution in terms used for negative feedback. The first term I remember hearing is constructive criticism. The problem was, most of the criticism wasn’t constructive, so it was really just criticism. Then someone decided to soften the term and call it constructive feedback. However, once again, it wasn’t very constructive, so […]

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