10 Reasons Why Regular Staff Meetings Improve Workplace Productivity and Prevent Chaos

10 Reasons Why Regular Staff Meetings Improve Workplace Productivity and Prevent Chaos

Imagine if you worked in an organization where staff members have no idea what other staff members are doing, management has no idea what staff is doing, standard operating procedures aren’t followed, important things often “fall through the cracks,” there’s a lot of redundancy of effort and communication, and any improvements implemented quickly go by […]

Imagine if you worked in an organization where staff members have no idea what other staff members are doing, management has no idea what staff is doing, standard operating procedures aren’t followed, important things often “fall through the cracks,” there’s a lot of redundancy of effort and communication, and any improvements implemented quickly go by […]

Why Today’s Leaders Need Emotional Intelligence

Why Today’s Leaders Need Emotional Intelligence

As someone who has trained leaders for more than 25 years, one of the biggest challenges I see leaders facing is making the transition from team member and subject matter expert to leader. This transition is further complicated when organizations make the mistake of selecting new leaders based on length of employment and/or technical skill. […]

Ask yourself this one question and you’ll automatically be more productive

Ask yourself this one question and you’ll automatically be more productive

“Could you be doing something more productive with your time?” This is one of my favorite sayings. It is such a mantra around my house, that my daughter actually wrote one of her college application essays on possessing a “productivity gene” that wouldn’t allow idle hands or an idle mind. If I’m not asking it of […]

Leading Change: Developing Your Change Mindset

Leading Change: Developing Your Change Mindset

Change is constant. Whether it’s a shift in your organization or the need to adapt to the ever-changing world around you, change is inevitable and necessary. Change as an individual, however, can be more challenging and uncomfortable than other types of change. Change leads to growth, but it can also be scary and for many […]

Top Posts from 11 Years of “The Performance Communication Blog”

Top Posts from 11 Years of “The Performance Communication Blog”

#As I was sitting here today planning this week’s blog post, I realized that this week is the 11th anniversary of my Performance Communication Blog. Although I haven’t always written every week, I’ve managed to amass more than 400 posts in the past 11 years, so I thought I’d share the 11 most popular posts […]

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