Is Your Poor Communication Costing You Dearly?

Is Your Poor Communication Costing You Dearly?

As a communication fanatic, I may be biased, but I think it’s time people stop taking communication for granted and start adding up the cost of poor communication. Too many people assume because their mouths work, their ears work, and they can read and write, that means they’re communicating. To a certain degree, they’re right. They […]

Four Lessons Learned from Jim Collins – Applied to Communication

Four Lessons Learned from Jim Collins – Applied to Communication

On Monday, I was lucky enough to attend the opening keynote address at the Government Finance Officers Association which was presented by Jim Collins, leadership expert and best selling author of several books, including “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t.” I have no intention of repeating his presentation by […]

30 Customer Service “Fails” that Can Ruin Your Organization’s Reputation

30 Customer Service “Fails” that Can Ruin Your Organization’s Reputation

Most companies talk a lot about the importance of customer service, but the actions of their employees don’t reflect that they value customer service above all else. Before the internet, poor customer service stories spread one-to-one, meaning one person had a bad experience and shared it with others one at a time. However, in the […]

The High Cost of Poor Listening Skills

The High Cost of Poor Listening Skills

The high cost of poor listening isn’t evident when you visit Tenerife Island, the largest and most populous island in the Canary Island chain. More than five million tourists visit the island each year, enjoying its distinctly beautiful beaches, mountains, and many cultural festivals. However, these tourists probably don’t realize that Tenerife holds a more deadly distinction. […]

Six Guaranteed Ways to Become More Approachable

Six Guaranteed Ways to Become More Approachable

NOT APPROACHABLE! It may as well be written on the person’s forehead. First, there’s the lack of acknowledgement when you approach. Then, when finally acknowledged, you’re “greeted” with a sour-looking face,  slumped body language, and a mumbled, half-hearted greeting that is given only after you’re forced to prompt it because of the awkward silence while […]

6 Tips for Harnessing the Power of Nonverbal Communication

6 Tips for Harnessing the Power of Nonverbal Communication

There are a lot of myths surrounding the subject of nonverbal communication. The biggest being the oft quoted statistic stating that nonverbal communication is 93% of communication, leaving verbal communication only 7% of our interactions. Despite the myths, I will agree that nonverbal communication is very powerful for many reasons, but two reasons really stand […]

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