5 Ways to Stop Being Your Own Worst Critic

Let’s face it, the world is a critical place. Television shows’ “humor” is based on personal attacks and put-downs. Most reality television is based on people being rejected on every level from love to singing talent. Even in our homes and workplaces, the ratio of negative feedback we receive from others (and give to others) to positive feedback is incredibly disproportionate. […]

How to Start a Conversation: 5 Easy Techniques That Will Work In Any Situation

In last week’s post concerning office holiday party behavior, one of the recommendations was to engage at the party– to put yourself out there and get to know some new people. However, many people hesitate to do this because they just don’t know how to start a conversation. Here are some tips for striking up a conversation with […]

Do People Resist Your Requests? Here’s Why

When it comes to things they don’t want to do, people generally don’t go quietly. They passively or actively resist, question, argue, and sometimes get angry. Even if they never open their mouths, they’re likely thinking, “I don’t have to do anything! Just watch me!” Whether speaking to a customer, an employee, or to a child, beginning with, “You’ll […]

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