Top 8 Communication Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Career

Top 8 Communication Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Career

No matter where you work or what you do, possessing at least “good” communication skills can make or break your career. Just think about the job ads you see online and even your own job description; they all include some requirement related to communication skills. “Great oral and written communication skills a must.” “Excellent interpersonal […]

Why Today’s Leaders Need Emotional Intelligence

Why Today’s Leaders Need Emotional Intelligence

As someone who has trained leaders for more than 25 years, one of the biggest challenges I see leaders facing is making the transition from team member and subject matter expert to leader. This transition is further complicated when organizations make the mistake of selecting new leaders based on length of employment and/or technical skill. […]

Dos and Don’ts for Attending Professional Holiday Parties – Updated for 2022!

Dos and Don’ts for Attending Professional Holiday Parties – Updated for 2022!

Tis the season for holiday events including those at work and in your professional organizations. The office party can be a great time to really get to know your coworkers and colleagues, a chance to network and make new connections, and overall, an opportunity to shine as bright as Rudolph’s nose. However, every year we […]

6 Customer Experience Secrets that Will Change the Way You Do Business

6 Customer Experience Secrets that Will Change the Way You Do Business

Working to build a successful company requires time and dedication. However, many new businesses fail because they lack the fundamentals of running a business. For businesses these days, these fundamentals include more than just product knowledge and pricing. Today’s savvy business owner knows that to be successful in any business, you need a strong brand […]

Leading Change: Developing Your Change Mindset

Leading Change: Developing Your Change Mindset

Change is constant. Whether it’s a shift in your organization or the need to adapt to the ever-changing world around you, change is inevitable and necessary. Change as an individual, however, can be more challenging and uncomfortable than other types of change. Change leads to growth, but it can also be scary and for many […]

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