I’m a critic. There, I said it. I’m critical of myself and critical of others (although I don’t usually VOICE my criticism of others to their faces). I see the risks rather than the rewards, the flaws rather than the strong points, the mistakes rather than the things done right.
As I was trying to decide what to write about this week, I came across a blog post I wrote last year about 10 Communication Gifts to Give for the Holiday Season.
Of all the gifts I wrote about, the one that stood out to me today was “Encouragement,” the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.
As a critic, providing encouragement doesn’t come naturally to me. It’s not that I can’t do it, it’s just not the first thing that comes to my mind. But starting today, that’s going to change.
This week, join me in focusing on encouraging rather than discouraging others. Seek encouragement for yourself and distance yourself from those who discourage you in pursuing your goals. Finally, realize that the best person to encourage you is YOU. When you hear that critic whispering in your head, change those thoughts to more helpful and positive ones.
Never underestimate the power of encouragement to change outlooks and outcomes!