Stop These 6 Bad Listening Habits to Boost Your Communication Skills

Stop These 6 Bad Listening Habits to Boost Your Communication Skills

In a previous post, I discussed how to Improve Your Listening in Six Easy Steps. However, sometimes the first step to improving your listening skills is to eliminate any bad habits you’ve developed.Here are some of the most common poor listening habits. I’ve been guilty of several. What about you? 1. Interrupting You’re basically telling […]

If your team is going back to working from home, you need to read this

If your team is going back to working from home, you need to read this

I wrote this post in March 2020 thinking, like many of you, that “leading from home” would be a short-term thing. Despite the fact that many organizations had employees working from home for more than a year, these organizations continued to believe closed-down offices and employees working remotely would end “any day now,” and thus, […]

Knowing your conflict style is key to conquering conflict

Knowing your conflict style is key to conquering conflict

Whether it’s being stuck at home day in and day out with your family, or frustration over trying to keep remote connections with your coworkers, you may find that since COVID-19 began, you’re getting into more arguments and conflict situations with those around you. When faced with a conflict or potential conflict situation, everyone has […]

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