6 Tips for Surviving the End of the “Honeymoon Period”- at Work, at Home, or With Your Dog

6 Tips for Surviving the End of the “Honeymoon Period”- at Work, at Home, or With Your Dog

In January of this year, I first met Tinkerbell. At the time, her name wasn’t even Tinkerbell, she was just “Female, black, Chihuahua, stray,” at the animal shelter where I volunteer. After adopting her, I took her to her first vet appointment. The first question they asked was her name, and “Tinkerbell,” came out of […]

9 Tips for Establishing a Great Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher

9 Tips for Establishing a Great Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher

Every year around this time I post communication tips for talking with your child’s teacher. However, these tips are about more than talking with the teacher. They’re about creating open communication and building an effective parent-teacher relationship that will serve you when things are going well and when your child hits some inevitable bumps along […]

When Confronting Conflict, Speak for Yourself

When Confronting Conflict, Speak for Yourself

Conflict is an inevitable consequence of human interaction. However, most of us don’t like to confront conflict at all, let alone by ourselves. As a result, we seek support from others.  Instead of going directly to the person with whom we have a problem, we discuss the situation with just about everyone else, hoping they’ll […]

Positive Assertiveness: 7 Tips for Stepping Up Without Stepping on Toes

Positive Assertiveness: 7 Tips for Stepping Up Without Stepping on Toes

Last week I gave readers the opportunity to take a communication style quiz that helped them identify whether their primary communication style was passive, passive aggressive, aggressive, or assertive. Many of those who took the assessment have sent me emails and messages lamenting their styles and asking how to “fix” them. First off, with the […]

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