Four Lessons Learned from Jim Collins – Applied to Communication

Four Lessons Learned from Jim Collins – Applied to Communication

On Monday, I was lucky enough to attend the opening keynote address at the Government Finance Officers Association which was presented by Jim Collins, leadership expert and best selling author of several books, including “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t.” I have no intention of repeating his presentation by […]

When Communication Fails, Look in the Mirror First

If you’ve ever seen one of those “When Animals Attack,” reality television shows, you know they’re based on stories and sometimes graphic video footage of animals attacking people. Sometimes the result is humorous, with the human simply being embarrassed by the encounter. Other stories end in tragedy. Many who watch these shows walk away concluding that the animals were […]

No one admits to being one, but are you a blamer?

No one admits to being one, but are you a blamer?

Today I facilitated a workshop for one of my favorite AND my longest- running client, Harris County Texas! It was a great group and our topic was dealing with difficult customers. One of the “difficult types” that resonated with so many people was the “Blamer,” that person who doesn’t see their role in situations, doesn’t […]

8 Reasons Your Organization MUST Have Standard Operating Procedures

8 Reasons Your Organization MUST Have Standard Operating Procedures

Right now, I’m writing this post from a hospital waiting room while my best friend is in surgery. Sitting with her in pre-op and listening to the doctors and nurses running through their “checklists” and explaining how her procedure would go, reminded me of this blog post I wrote in 2015. It’s as applicable now […]

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