So, you want to uh, get rid of like, um vocalized pauses when you talk? Here’s how.

So, you want to uh, get rid of like, um vocalized pauses when you talk? Here’s how.

I remember when I first realized how annoying vocalized pauses can be. I was sitting in a college course listening to student presentations, when I began counting the number of times each speaker said “um,” “uh,” or “you know.” These fillers were so distracting, that by the time each speech was over, I couldn’t tell […]

When Confronting Conflict, Speak for Yourself

When Confronting Conflict, Speak for Yourself

Conflict is an inevitable consequence of human interaction. However, most of us don’t like to confront conflict at all, let alone by ourselves. As a result, we seek support from others.  Instead of going directly to the person with whom we have a problem, we discuss the situation with just about everyone else, hoping they’ll […]

4 Reasons Why the Customer is NOT Always Right

4 Reasons Why the Customer is NOT Always Right

The number one most incorrect quote about customer service that is perpetuated time and again, is: “The Customer is Always Right.” WRONG! Training employees to believe this fallacy and insisting that they live by it is not only wrong, but it’s bad for business. Consider these situations: Would you let a naked customer dine in […]

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