If the truth hurts, should you be honest?
I doubt there’s anyone reading this who hasn’t heard the saying, “honesty is the best policy.” It’s a simple statement about telling the truth, but living the policy isn’t always so simple because people’s perceptions of honesty differ. Is a little-white lie okay? Is hinting at the truth the same as stating it? For those who […]
Are your social media comments unprofessional?
Sometimes I feel like a social media lurker. I know I’m supposed to be actively posting on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., and I’m supposed to also be commenting on others’ posts, liking posts, and responding to questions others pose. Here’s the problem. When I have an idea or opinion and am just about to hit […]
No one admits to being one, but are you a blamer?
Today I facilitated a workshop for one of my favorite AND my longest- running client, Harris County Texas! It was a great group and our topic was dealing with difficult customers. One of the “difficult types” that resonated with so many people was the “Blamer,” that person who doesn’t see their role in situations, doesn’t […]
8 Reasons Your Organization MUST Have Standard Operating Procedures
Right now, I’m writing this post from a hospital waiting room while my best friend is in surgery. Sitting with her in pre-op and listening to the doctors and nurses running through their “checklists” and explaining how her procedure would go, reminded me of this blog post I wrote in 2015. It’s as applicable now […]
6 Huge Discipline Mistakes of Weak Leaders
It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business owner, department manager, or CEO of a large corporation, discipline is something that comes with the job. Unfortunately, too many leaders are untrained in how to provide discipline and unprepared for how often it is necessary. As a result, many weak leaders develop poor discipline practices that […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Be More Enthusiastic
As many of you know, I currently have 10 puppies living at my house. Now I will tell you, 10 puppies can be noisy, messy, and a bit of a pain sometimes. However, there’s nothing that brings an enthusiastic smile to someone’s face more quickly than puppies. Think about it. Have you ever heard anyone […]
It’s not crazy to talk to yourself- it’s awesome!
Very often, when we’re driving in the car together, my daughter will suddenly ask, “Who are you talking to?” She does this because she can tell I’m having a conversation in my head because I’m making hand gestures with my right hand as it’s resting on the gear shift. I talk to myself a lot, and […]
How to Know if You Talk Too Damn Much
Truman Capote once said, “A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. That’s why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet.” As someone who speaks for a living, I can talk . . . a lot . . . about a lot of things. However, the difference between […]
Is it time for a fresh start?
“I’ll start on Monday.” How many times have you heard someone say this or said it yourself? How many times has Monday come and gone without anything getting started? This week, I’m challenging you to take, “I’ll start on Monday,” to heart and really begin to look at Monday as a new chance to get a […]