Stop These 6 Bad Listening Habits to Boost Your Communication Skills

Stop These 6 Bad Listening Habits to Boost Your Communication Skills

In a previous post, I discussed how to Improve Your Listening in Six Easy Steps. However, sometimes the first step to improving your listening skills is to eliminate any bad habits you’ve developed.Here are some of the most common poor listening habits. I’ve been guilty of several. What about you? 1. Interrupting You’re basically telling […]

Top 8 Communication Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Career

Top 8 Communication Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Career

No matter where you work or what you do, possessing at least “good” communication skills can make or break your career. Just think about the job ads you see online and even your own job description; they all include some requirement related to communication skills. “Great oral and written communication skills a must.” “Excellent interpersonal […]

What great communicators know about nonverbal communication

What great communicators know about nonverbal communication

From facial expressions and body language, to our vocal qualities, clothes, and even how we use or misuse time, our nonverbal communication speaks “loud and clear,” whether we want it to or not. Here’s why: First, it is our primary mode of communication. Before you could speak, you “communicated” how you felt using body language, […]

5 Ways Nonverbal Communication Can Make You a Better Communicator

5 Ways Nonverbal Communication Can Make You a Better Communicator

From facial expressions and body language, to our vocal qualities, clothes, and even how we use or misuse time, our nonverbal communication speaks “loud and clear,” whether we want it to or not. Here’s why: First, it is our primary mode of communication. Before you could speak, you “communicated” how you felt using body language, […]

6 Tips for Harnessing the Power of Nonverbal Communication

6 Tips for Harnessing the Power of Nonverbal Communication

There are a lot of myths surrounding the subject of nonverbal communication. The biggest being the oft quoted statistic stating that nonverbal communication is 93% of communication, leaving verbal communication only 7% of our interactions. Despite the myths, I will agree that nonverbal communication is very powerful for many reasons, but two reasons really stand […]

Is Your Lack of Confidence Leaking Out at Work?

Is Your Lack of Confidence Leaking Out at Work?

Most people would agree that conveying a sense of confidence at work is integral to making a good impression, communicating assertively, and for leaders, to inspiring people to follow them. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that instead of communicating confidence, they’re actually sending messages of weakness through their nonverbal communication. Emotional leakage is a term […]

Six Tips for Better Nonverbal Communication

When I started the Practical Communication Blog, my second post was entitled, “What You Don’t Know About Nonverbal Communication Can Hurt You.” In it, I discussed the importance of understanding the powerful role nonverbal communication plays in our interactions. Today, I want to share five nonverbal communication tips taken from my book “Practical Communication: 25 Tips, […]

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