Five Steps for Turning Resolutions Into Reality
As the new year approaches, if you’re like me, you’ve been thinking about the things you’d like to accomplish in 2017. Many of us make resolutions as the new year begins, but how many of us can honestly say, at the end of that year, that we accomplished all we resolved to do? Based on […]
When Should You Communicate from the Heart?
This week’s blog post is a guest post from Alana Hill. Alana is a passionate speaker, author, and consultant at 2Hill Consulting Services. As a Change Leadership expert, she inspires teams to move past their roadblocks by applying her proven combination of critical thinking and compassionate leadership. Her experience as an engineer and certified Project Management […]
Here’s the Best Life Lesson I Ever Learned. . . From a Shelter Dog
On November 25, I went to check on things, as I do every day, at my local animal control facility where I volunteer. In the stray-hold area I saw “Zuzu.” She was emaciated and eaten up with mange- so she was itchy, smelly, and mostly bald from head to toe. She’d obviously been attacked by […]
Tips for Writing Holiday Letters People Will Actually Enjoy Receiving
Several years ago, I mentioned to a friend that I couldn’t stand receiving SOME holiday letters because of the things people write in them. Apparently she didn’t believe me when I told her I didn’t mean HER letters, because she didn’t send me her Christmas letter again for about 10 years. I promise I wasn’t […]
Encouragement: the Best Gift You Can Give This Holiday Season
I’m a critic. There, I said it. I’m critical of myself and critical of others (although I don’t usually VOICE my criticism of others to their faces). I see the risks rather than the rewards, the flaws rather than the strong points, the mistakes rather than the things done right. As I was trying to […]
Advice for Coping with the Holidaze
The holidays should be a time of joy, gratitude, and togetherness. However, for some, it’s a time of stress, family drama, and poor decisions. Rather than spreading out communication advice for “Coping with the Holidaze” over the entire month of December, I wanted to share a few of my past holiday-related blog posts all at […]
Do You Have Unfinished Business In 2016?
As we head into the last month of 2016, I was thinking about the things I had on my “to do” list for this year that I’ve still not completed. With just a few weeks left and 5 full-day training classes still to come, it would be easy to just coast to the end of […]
9 Conversations You Should Never Start at Family Holiday Gatherings
This week, I’m combining my regular “Monday Motivation for Performance Communicators,” with my blog because with Thanksgiving just a few days away, we’re officially starting the holiday season- including the stress of family gatherings. Family holiday gatherings should be a time to reconnect, enjoy great food and drinks, and most of all, to celebrate the “reason for the […]
Just Say No: 5 Ways to Make It Easier When It’s the Last Thing You Want to Do
For many of us, it’s the first word we learn, thus the popularity of baby T-shirts that read, “My name is No No” on the front. We learn to use “no” first, because it’s a powerful word synonymous with taking a stand, contradicting authority, being an individual. It was so easy to say as a […]