Ask yourself this one question and you’ll automatically be more productive

Ask yourself this one question and you’ll automatically be more productive

“Could you be doing something more productive with your time?” This is one of my favorite sayings. It is such a mantra around my house, that my daughter actually wrote one of her college application essays on possessing a “productivity gene” that wouldn’t allow idle hands or an idle mind. If I’m not asking it of […]

6 Customer Experience Secrets that Will Change the Way You Do Business

6 Customer Experience Secrets that Will Change the Way You Do Business

Working to build a successful company requires time and dedication. However, many new businesses fail because they lack the fundamentals of running a business. For businesses these days, these fundamentals include more than just product knowledge and pricing. Today’s savvy business owner knows that to be successful in any business, you need a strong brand […]

Leading Change: Developing Your Change Mindset

Leading Change: Developing Your Change Mindset

Change is constant. Whether it’s a shift in your organization or the need to adapt to the ever-changing world around you, change is inevitable and necessary. Change as an individual, however, can be more challenging and uncomfortable than other types of change. Change leads to growth, but it can also be scary and for many […]

6 Ways to Encourage Employees to Provide Great Customer Service

6 Ways to Encourage Employees to Provide Great Customer Service

The world has become a digital marketplace, and businesses must keep up with changing customer expectations if they want to compete with their competitors, both locally and globally. To stay competitive, business owners need to understand how their employees can help them provide better customer service. Encouraging employees to provide excellent customer service can be […]

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