In my "Monday Motivation for Performance Communicators," email this week, I wrote about why we need to stop doing so much whining. But what if you're not the one whining and instead, you find yourself being the sounding board for others' gripes and complaints? How can you make it stop?
Of course, I'm not talking about listening to others' legitimate complaints or not being willing to help a coworker problem solve. What I'm talking about here is dealing with the chronic complainers. Those workplace whiners who are the only ones to ever face bad coffee, rainy weather, long commutes, difficult bosses, and every other problem on earth. Workplace whining isn't just an annoyance for those who have to listen to it. It's a real drain on workplace morale and productivity.
If you want to stop being the victim of a workplace whiner, here are five techniques you can use to make the whining stop. Some of them are designed to get the whiner to problem solve, others are likely to just make them go away. Either way, you'll be able to regain your time and get back to work.
If the whiner complains that a coworker is difficult to work with, share your truth by saying,
If the whiner complains about traffic, you can say,
Why does this work? Whiners want someone to commiserate with them, not someone who contradicts them. When you share your truth, you're taking the fun out of their complaining and they'll take their show elsewhere.
You could say,
When you ask this question you'll either get a legitimate request for assistance, or if the complainer doesn't really want a solution and was just venting...again, he or she will likely tell you there's nothing you can do and walk away. A chronic complainer doesn't want to waste time talking with someone who wants to fix things, only to someone who will entertain the complaint and allow him or her to go on and on about it.
If the whiner is bringing you the same complaint you've addressed before and it's obvious he or she isn't looking for a solution, don't have the same conversation again. Say,
To answer your question before you ask, YES, Dave will likely be unhappy with this response, but the Daves of the world aren't going to be happy with anything you have to say. It's time to focus on your own happiness (and productivity) and stop being the sounding board for the whiners of the world.
Especially if you're too uncomfortable trying #3 above, you can always say to the whiner,
One of two things will happen as a result of this approach. First, you might actually help the whiners in your life start being more solution oriented and you're telling them you're there to help, as long as they take steps first to help themselves. Second, if the whiner doesn't want to solve the problem, he or she won't come back. Problem solved for you!
This is probably one of the most powerful techniques of all. It stops whiners in their tracks and tells them right away that you're not about to become their sounding board. Instead, you're going to require them to solve their own problems. This question doesn't have to be asked with a harsh or aggressive tone. You simply wait until the whiner has stated the complaint and then sincerely say,
The result will be similar to the other four techniques, the whiner will actually start exploring solutions, or will become frustrated by you and walk away to find someone else who will listen to them whine.