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Staying Connected to Your Customers in Difficult Times

Writer: Amy CastroAmy Castro

I don’t know about you, but over the past few weeks during this Coronavirus crisis, I feel that businesses are communicating from a position of panic. Businesses I used to hear from once a month or so are sending me emails weekly with SELL, SELL, SELL screaming from their content.

During difficult times, your goals as a business owner or leader should be to SERVE, NOT SELL. Additionally, you do want to work hard to stay connected to your customers open, but you shouldn’t suddenly become a spammer either.

This week’s post is a 3-minute video I shot right after conducting a “Connecting with Your Customers in Difficult Times” webinar last week. I hope these tips help you stay connected with your customers, focus on serving (not selling), and avoid some of the biggest mistakes many people make when communicating with customers in difficult times.

[aiovg_video type=”youtube” youtube=”” poster=””]


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