Since today is Independence Day in the U.S., I’ve been thinking a lot about the things that hold us back in life and keep us from being truly free, especially things over which we have 100% control. If you’re tired of suffering under the tyranny of technology, being ruled by bad relationships, or being held captive by your career, maybe it’s time you declared your independence from these communication barriers that are holding you back!
Here are 15 things you might consider freeing yourself from this Independence Day:
1. Guilt
2. Bad relationships and toxic people in your life
3. Others’ judgement
4. Your judgement of others
5. Fear of failure
6. Needless worrying
7. “What ifs”
8. Being a “yes” person
9. Other people’s expectations
10. Texting and emailing when you could/should speak face-to-face
11. Selfish listening
12. Unnecessary apologizing
13. Being judgmental instead of empathetic
14. Not thinking about what you’ll say before you open your mouth
15. Avoiding taking responsibility for your role in miscommunication
What else would you add to this list?