Many people underestimate the power of words to create their reality and to impact the reality of others.
Think about it. Remember the last time you said, “This is going to be the worst day ever!” Were you right? Did you create a self-fulfilling prophecy? The odds are, you were and you did. In previous blog posts, I’ve shared filler words to eliminate from your communication, and just two weeks ago, I shared seven words to ban from your vocabulary in 2019. This week, I’d like to share 14 words and phrases to add to your vocabulary this year that will not only give you power in your everyday interactions, but will help create a positive impact on all your relationships.
1. No
3. I will (instead of I won’t, I might, or I could)
4. I know (instead of I think, I believe, etc.)
5. Please
7. You’re welcome
8. I disagree (instead of you’re wrong)
9. I’ll find out (instead of I don’t know)
10. You’re right
11.I’m sorry
12. How can I make this right?
14. How can I support you?
These are certainly not the only words and phrases we could be using to make our communication more powerful and clear. What other words or phrases would you add to this list?
Amy P. Castro, MA, CSP is a communication expert, speaker, and author who works with organizations that want to increase productivity, decrease conflict, and improve service through excellent leadership and communication. For more information about improving your communication skills, check out her book Practical Communication: 25 Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Finding the Balance Between Getting Along and Getting Things Done on