My daughter called me the other day very excited that she’d had a tremendous personal revelation recently. Her revelation reflected much of the advice I give in my workshops, specifically to customer service providers, on the power of positive thinking and its impact on the outcome of customer interactions, but on one’s own physical and mental well being.
Rather than stealing material from our conversation, I asked my daughter to be a guest blogger this week and share what she’s discovered about the benefits of being a positive thinker.
This is a guest blog post by Kelsey Castro, a student at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and a former negative thinker.
My job this year requires me to deal with difficult and angry people both on the phone and in person. Since starting this job, I have noticed how much I allow my negative thoughts and emotions to impact me physically and emotionally.
I’ve always been a pessimist, a “quick to anger” type person, and someone who is easily stressed. In fact, I spent my entire summer with a constant headache because I get myself so worked up in response to others’ actions. When I say constant headache, I’m not exaggerating. I’ve had a 24/7 headache from June 2012 until right about now.
I spent the summer at doctors appointments, getting MRI’s, CT scans, and even went through a lumbar puncture to have spinal fluid drained from my body to reduce the cerebral spinal fluid pressure in my brain. At one point, I even had high blood pressure at the age of 19!
Last Saturday, after a particularly difficult day at work, I had a thought,
“Would I feel differently if I thought more positively?”
Therefore, this week, I decided that I was going to work actively to avoid negative thinking and instead, try to be positive, compassionate, and empathetic instead.
The result? For the first time since June, my headaches have stopped completely. By using positive self-talk, I have been able to remain positive and am generally happier both at work and at home. Additionally, I have been able to see visible changes in the people around me at work because of the impact of my more positive attitude.
For example, each morning when I get up, I say to myself, “Today, I replace anger with compassion and understanding”, or “My goal today will be to project joy and enthusiasm.”
I know it sounds weird, but it really works. I repeat these positive thoughts throughout the day, especially when I feel stress coming on, or I am dealing with a particularly difficult or angry customer.
Again, it might sound weird to some people, but I can attest to the many benefits of these simple acts. Here are just 10 of the benefits that I have enjoyed, and think you will too, if you make the attempt to be a more positive person.
1. You will be happier!
2. You will be less stressed and more relaxed.
3. You will enjoy the many, proven health benefits of being a positive thinker. In 2003, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that the activation of brain regions associated with negative emotions weakened people’s immune response.
4. Other people will enjoy being around you more.
5. You will find it easier to deal with difficult people. Instead of thinking, “I can’t believe this person is treating me like this,” and making yourself angry and upset, you’ll think, “This person is having a bad day, or is frustrated by his/her situation. It’s not about me,” and will be able to remain calm and rational.
6. You’re more likely to receive promotions and opportunities than someone who thinks, speaks, and projects negativity.
7. You will be more productive and efficient. Whether at work or at home, the enthusiasm that results from your positive thoughts will motivate you to do more and do better. You’ll spend more time “doing” and less time complaining about what you don’t want to do and getting nothing done.
8. You will enjoy even the mundane parts of life more. When I think, “I don’t want to do this. This is boring.”, the task becomes more unpleasant than it needs to be. If instead, I think, “I want to do this because it’s necessary and the sooner I get it done, the sooner I can move on to more fun and interesting things,” it makes the task more pleasant and I get it done more quickly.
9. Your creativity will increase because your mind will be freed from ugly, negative clutter. In fact, researchers Dr. Paul Hammerness and Margaret Moore, found that negative emotions sabotage our brains’ ability to solve problems and ignore distractions, while positive emotions and thoughts actually improve the brain’s executive function.
10. Your goals will feel, and will likely be, more achievable. Ask any successful person or read a biography of someone you admire whose accomplished great things. None of them will say they achieved their goals or dreams by thinking negatively.