The Importance of Empathy in Challenging Times
Whether you chose to work remotely or you’ve been thrust into the world of “telecommuters” by world events or changes in your business or industry, trying to manage a remote team brings challenges to even the most experienced leaders. In times of crisis, it’s very important that you realize your employees may feel like their […]
Staying Connected to Your Customers in Difficult Times
I don’t know about you, but over the past few weeks during this Coronavirus crisis, I feel that businesses are communicating from a position of panic. Businesses I used to hear from once a month or so are sending me emails weekly with SELL, SELL, SELL screaming from their content. During difficult times, your goals […]
Distance Leading: Staying Connected with Your Team When They’re Working From Home
\Although telecommuting isn’t new, the Coronavirus has made working from home the only way to stay in business for many organizations. Employees who never thought they’d work from home now find themselves struggling to carve out office space in their homes and juggling getting work done with bored kids who will likely be out of […]
Working from Home Successfully
With many offices shutting down and companies asking employees to work from home, we have a whole new group of telecommuters who are trying to not only figure out how to work from home successfully, but also juggle kids and pets too. As someone who has been working from home for more than 25 years, […]
Communicating in the age of coronavirus and other germaphobia
With public events around the world being cancelled due to coronavirus concerns, air and other travel plummeting, and people looking at their coworkers and clients funny with every cough or sniffle, many people have been asking how we can maintain a sense of civility, camaraderie, and respect when everyone is afraid to get too close […]
7 Reasons Regular Staff Meetings Are a Must
Imagine if you worked in an organization where staff members have no idea what other staff members are doing, management has no idea what staff is doing, standard operating procedures aren’t followed, important things often “fall through the cracks,” there’s a lot of redundancy of effort and communication, and any improvements implemented quickly go by […]
Happiness doesn’t just happen, you have to create it
I woke up feeling cranky this morning. The weather is gray and ugly. My foster kitten Dewey never stops meowing and it’s incredibly annoying. My dog has to be walked on a leash instead of just being let outside because she recently had knee surgery. She kept me standing out in the wet grass for […]
When it comes to the care and feeding of your team – one size does NOT fit all
For those of you who know me, you know I live on an animal rescue ranch. At any given time we have anywhere between 40-60 animals here of all ages, sizes, and varieties. Right now, we have three barn cats, six kittens, a puppy and her mom, two goats, two donkeys, one pony, one horse, […]
Stop Avoiding Conflict and Start Handling It Like a Grown Up
We’ve all come across people who seem to love conflict. They seek it out, jump into it even if it has nothing to do with them, and start it for no reason at all. However, the vast majority of people would prefer not to deal with conflict at all and will do just about anything to […]