The #1 Way to Avoid Misunderstandings and Conflict: Perception Checking

The #1 Way to Avoid Misunderstandings and Conflict: Perception Checking

Most of the conflict I have experienced in my life, both firsthand and secondhand, has not been the result of factual disagreement, but of differing perceptions. Every day we interact with others, “notice” their behavior, and then proceed to draw conclusions about what it is, what it means, etc. Our interpretations, and thus our final perceptions, […]

Five Powerless Communication Techniques You Should Stop Using Today

Five Powerless Communication Techniques You Should Stop Using Today

Without even realizing it, you may have let wimpy words and powerless phrases sneak into your vocabulary. These words and phrases tell others that you’re unsure of yourself, your ideas, and your position. The result? They’re likely zapping your personal power and credibility at work. If you want to project confidence and authority and need […]

5 Ways Nonverbal Communication Can Make You a Better Communicator

5 Ways Nonverbal Communication Can Make You a Better Communicator

From facial expressions and body language, to our vocal qualities, clothes, and even how we use or misuse time, our nonverbal communication speaks “loud and clear,” whether we want it to or not. Here’s why: First, it is our primary mode of communication. Before you could speak, you “communicated” how you felt using body language, […]

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